Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Limerick in Slaughterhouse Five

Limerick, I have often heard this word and I know it was a poem of some sort, so today I found it again, looking for a book to read I read the first pages of Slaughterhouse Five, one of the banned books, which just caught my attention becuase it was once banned, and decided to record what this word really means, so here it goes.

Full Definition of limerick from Merriam-Webster

  1. :  a light or humorous verse form of five chiefly anapestic verses of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of three feet and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet with a rhyme scheme of aabba
so here is the limerick in Slaughterhouse Five

There was a young man from Stamboul,
Who soliloquized thus to his tool,
'You took all my wealth
And you ruined my health,
And now you won't pee, you old fool’

The writer tells about the writing of this book, how it costs him money, anxiety and time, thus, the parallel with this limmerick and the tools reference..
And since we are at it..

Full Definition of soliloquy from Merriam-Webster

  1. 1:  the act of talking to oneself
  2. 2:  a dramatic monologue that represents a series of unspoken reflections

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